Activities Rightwing populism in Europe, desolidarization and the role of trade unions (event on 16 September 2024) The new willingness to go on strike in Austria: Causes, expressions and perspectives (19 February 2024) Keynote at the “Kärntner Gesprächen zur demokratiepolitischen Bildung” by Bettina Stadler (20 October 2023) “ÖVP: To be shy with social partnership“ – ORF Interview with Susanne Pernicka (6 October 2023) Organisation of a panel as part of the congress of the Austrian Society for Sociology (5 July 2023) The strike of railworkers in Austria, radio interview by Thomas Paster, FM4 (28 November 2022) Book launch: “Social partnership: Cooperation during the crisis?” with subsequent panel discussion, Johannes Kepler University Linz (22 September 2022) Wages and prices: Economic linkages and the own wallet – Susanne Pernicka at Ö1 Punkt eins (22 September 2022) Book launch: “Social partnership as a model for the future?” – Chamber of Labour Vienna (7 September 2022) Book: Social partnership action fields: Continuities, disruptions and perspectives (11 August 2022) A long way towards gender equality (4 May 2022) Job search: Salary information continue to disadvantage women (8 March 2022)