Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

On 16 September 2024 the Kepler Salon in Linz hosts an event on “Rightwing populism in Europe, desolidarization and the role of trade unions”.

Matthias Specht-Prebanda and Susanne Pernicka have published an article on the new willingness to go on strike in Austria in the A&W-Blog.

Keynote at the Kärntner Gesprächen zur demokratiepolitischen Bildung 2023 by Bettina Stadler.

Susanne Pernicka was interviewed by the ORF on the political context of Austrian social partnership.

Panel „Social dialogue in Austria as a beneficiary of the crisis? Sociological and interdisciplinary perspectives on the collective regulation of conflicts and power relations through social partnership arrangements” as part of the bi-annual congress of the Austrian Society for Sociology in Vienna.

Thomas Paster was interviewed by the Austrian radio station FM4 on the strike of railworkers.

With contributions from Susanne Pernicka (Scientific findings and assessments on social partnership) and Elias Felten (The role of the social partners in the design of working time legislation).

Wages and prices: Economic linkages and the own wallet – Susanne Pernicka at Ö1 Punkt eins Susanne Pernicka participated in a discussion on “Wages and prices: Economic linkages and the own wallet” at the Austrian radio station Ö1 Punkt eins.

Book launch: “Social partnership as a model for the future?” – Chamber of Labour Vienna 7 September 2022 With contributions from Vera Glassner (Collective bargaining policy in the Austrian metal sector), Thomas Paster (WKO and Social Partnership) and Susanne Pernicka (Social partnership action fields: Continuities, disruptions and perspectives).

Book: Social partnership action fields: Continuities, disruptions and perspectives New edited collection on the responses of Austrian social partners to contemporary challenges such as digitalisation, globalisation and ecological transformation This book examines the current situation of Austrian social partnership in its broader social context in selected fields from different disciplinary perspectives (sociology, political science, legal …

Book: Social partnership action fields: Continuities, disruptions and perspectives (11 August 2022) Read More »