
in accordance with §§ 24, 25 of the Media Act and § 5 of the E-Commerce Law

Media Owner, Editor:

Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69, A-4040 Linz

Responsiblity for Content:

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz – Institut für Soziologie, Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Organisationssoziologie, Dr. Torben Krings

Inquiries to:

T +43 732 2468 7728

Legal Structure

Corporate body under public law (§ 4 of the 2002 Austrian Universities Act) and is subject to federal supervision in accordance with § 9 Universities Act 2002.

Tax ID Number


DPR Number


Company Objectives

In accordance with § 25 of the Media Act and the fundamental orientarion of this website, the objectives corresponds to the JKU’s objectives in accordance with § 3 of the 2002 Austrian University Act

The purpose of this website is to inform the public about the current developments in the Austrian social partnership from various perspectives, as well as to provide new publications and information on ongoing activities to visitors of this website.


The media owner, as the website provider, is only responsible for its own content to the extent legally required.


The compilation of information on this website was provided by the JKU with the utmost care. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee to assume the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information and data provided. Liability claims against the JKU or the authors and/or those responsible for this website for damages of any kind are excluded. The JKU also does not assume liability for content containing links that lead to external sites outside of the JKU’s area of responsibility.

Copyright notice

The website in its entirety, as well as in parts (e.g., texts, graphics), is protected by copyright. Unless otherwise noted, the copyright belongs to the authors or to Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Design & Development

Pia Schänzle